T2-03 How to use the guest list

We discussed in a previous post HOW to get the guest list, http://blog.thebooster.com/t2-02-confirm-party-get-guest-list


1) It is the night of the party.  Take YOUR copy of the guest list and put it on a clipboard.  Have an extra page or two of blank paper also.

2) Make sure you are to the party early enough to set up, have a few moments with your host and be ready to greet your guests.

3) With clipboard and pen in hand, greet each guest as they arrive, introduce yourself and ask them their name, and look them up on your guest list.  If they are not there, add their name at least (you can get address etc. later from her customer card card or order form.)  Ask her about her interests.  Find out what she is looking for at your party.  If she tells you her daughter is getting married in a few months and they are busy making the plans, make a note of it on your list, perhaps you could offer to do a bridal shower (S12141)  or if your products would be a great gift for the wedding party. If she is a ‘soccer’ mom make a note FR for “fund raiser” and ask her later about the possibility. (PR11002)

4) By meeting each guest, it will not only help you associate their name with their face, and give you something to help you remember them better, but you’ll begin to build relationships and find out how you can better serve your customers.  Remember, your goal should be to MEET HER NEEDS and your sales will take care of themselves. 

This will be of benefit to you in countless ways.  If someone has told you they are looking for specific types of things, you can mention those as you are giving your demonstration.  You can follow up better after the party as you are helping them with their orders.

5) MAKE NOTES on their order forms or your guest list as you are helping them with their orders.  If you’ve given them a “Preferred Customer” card (BC4601), put a PC by their name- then if they’ve marked off 4 boxes, put a dash 4 after the PC. (PC-4).  If they mentioned that they are remodeling their house, ask them when it will be completed.  Mention how fun it would be to have a party to show their friends.  Make a note on your guest list or their order form.  You get the idea, your job is to get information you can use now or later, (or both) to better meet your customers’ needs!

6) Once everyone has left the party, take a moment to go through the guest list with your host.  Note on her list the people she will make contact with that did not attend the party.  She’ll tell you of people who called, or she contacted that wanted catalogs, etc.  These extra few minutes can add HUNDREDS of dollars to her sales!

7) When you get out to your car, (depending on the neighborhood of course) look again at the list while it is fresh in your mind.  Make POSITIVE comments about the different people you’ve met.  If they have a great smile, outgoing personality, seem really organized, has lots of ideas, can tell she loves your products, needs money, would love to be home with her kids, works in a large office, etc. All of this information enables you to follow up better with each customer.  Put STARS by the names of people you felt a connection with and would really love to have on your team!

We will follow up in future IDEAS of the WEEK with HOW to use this information to increase your bookings, sales and recruit leads.  I’m sure you have a few ideas from the information I’ve already give you.  But, for now, START the process by getting a guest list from your hosts and doing it.  This information will be the START of your customer list that will build your business beyond your wildest imagination!  Remember, if the BENEFIT is greater than the cost = DO IT!
Put these into action in your business and see how it impacts your hostesses.   Remember, the more quickly you can get your hosts working on the party, the more successful you will BOTH be!

There are not a lot of actual products that go with this training so I’ve included this training and a few products as part of the.  T2-02-03 Confirm the Party & get Guest List Category.  Here is the direct link:


Posted by jennyb

Hi everyone, I am Jenny Bywater, known as Jenny B to the party plan industry. Many of you may know me from the years she brought her fabulous Booster products, of stickers, postcards, etc. to many National Conventions including Tupperware, PartyLite, liasophia, & Mary Kay just to mention a few. I was top sales in a party plan company and then started “The Booster” over 33 years ago with the goal of helping those in the Party Plan profession to “Boost their sales and Brighten their image!” I have done this, helping well over a million consultants - and the successful consultants is still growing. I am excited to introduce you to my new, “How to have $1000 Parties System” based on proven techniques that REALLY WORK! You'll find details about this SYSTEM and Booster Products throughout this Blog and on our website at www.thebooster.com

1 comment

Carol Ketter

I love #4. Meeting 5 people all at one time makes it hard to remember individual things and connecting the name with the face. When I can write it down I can better remember it. Makes the brain connection I guess.

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